The YWCA West Central Michigan is on a mission!

The YWCA West Central Michigan inspires hope and healing. Where racism and sexism give rise to domestic and sexual violence, we transform lives with expert services for victims, education to end those things that fuel abuse, and public policy that translates our mission into law.

With respect for the fullness of each person’s identity and the multiple facets that make up the whole of one’s experience, the YWCA’s staff work together to seamlessly connect those who come to us to the range of services they need.

Unless it is noted next to a specific service, a court-order or referral is not required in order to find the help you need here.

If you are in immediate danger or feel unsafe, call 911.

YWCA 24-Hour Confidential Helpline
616.454.YWCA (616.454.9922)

Residential Services

Combining our confidential domestic violence shelter with Project HEAL provides survivors with comprehensive support for safety and independence. Our shelter offers secure rooms and round-the-clock staff, while Project HEAL assists with transitional and permanent housing, along with vital support services such as advocacy, employment, education, and legal aid. Together, we empower survivors to rebuild their lives with dignity and autonomy. Services are available at no cost.

  • Sojourner - Short-term Emergency Shelter

    Our confidential domestic violence shelter provides a healing environment for families and individuals leaving a dangerous intimate partner violent situation. Our shelter gives survivors of abuse and their children the space to heal. Individuals and families stay in their own secure room, with community restrooms, living space, kitchen and laundry facilities. Our shelter is staffed 24/7. We know that survivors of domestic violence often need more than a safe place to work through the harmful effects of domestic violence. Our shelter staff supports residents in rebuilding their lives by providing:

    Safety planning

    Support group

    Counseling referrals

    Help building life skills

    Housing resources

    Employment resources

    Legal advocacy referrals

    The shelter building is not handicap accessible. If this is needed, appropriate referrals and safety planning will take place. Temporary shelter for pets can be arranged as well. To inquire about our shelter, please call our 24-hour helpline at (616)454-9922. (No Cost)

  • Project HEAL

    Project HEAL (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Legal Assistance) partners with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking to strengthen a survivor’s ability to maintain a safe, independent life apart from their abusive partner. Project H.E.A.L. provides transitional housing, assists with permanent housing, and provides support services to empower survivors to move toward personal independence and economic self-sufficiency. Support services include a Family Advocate, employment/education, advocacy, and legal assistance and referrals to community partners.

    Applications may be obtained at the YWCA West Central Michigan main building or call (616)459-4681 or our 24-hour helpline at (616)454-9922. After an application for Project HEAL is received, the applicant will be contacted to schedule an assessment. Following the assessment, the applicant will be notified of whether they are accepted into the program or given other community resources for possible housing. (No Cost)

Non-Residential Services

These combined services offer comprehensive support to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and abuse, along with their families. Most services are available at no cost.

  • Advocacy & Resource Services

    Crisis Help (no cost)

    Trained advocates are available 24 hours a day, or by appointment during business hours, to help survivors of intimate partner abuse and/or sexual assault/abuse. Advocates provide:

    • A confidential, supportive, listening ear.

    • Help in developing a plan that will allow you to live more safely whether you are still with your partner or living separately.

    • Guidance in developing safe exit strategies for those who have the opportunity to leave their relationship.

    • Referrals to other community resources that can assist survivors.

    Legal Advocacy (no cost)

    Our legal advocate can assist survivors with:

    • Personal Protection Orders

    • Divorce & custody paperwork

    • Court accompaniment

    • File motions

    • Referrals to other applicable legal resources that could assist survivors.

    Support Groups (no cost)

    To find information about the support groups that we offer, check out our Events page!

    To find out more about our Advocacy & Resource Services, or to make an appointment, call our helpline at (616)454-9922.

  • Counseling / Therapy

    Individual Therapy

    As part of their ongoing healing, victims and survivors are helped to evaluate and establish goals which aid them in moving beyond the abuse. Therapists also provide support, education, and necessary referrals. Children who have witnessed violence often benefit from this recovery process as well.

    Men Choosing Alternatives to Violence (MCAV)

    (Confirmed ongoing participation is required)

    A facilitator-led group is available for men seeking to stop controlling/abusive behavior in their intimate partner relationships.

    To find out more about our counseling services call (616)459-4652 (Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am-6:00 pm; Fridays 8:00 am-12:00 pm).

  • Safe Connections

    The YWCA Safe Connections Program provides supervised parenting time and custody exchange for families experiencing violence, abuse, mental illness, or addiction. Families will find:

    • A physically and emotionally safe environment.

    • Distinct family spaces, designed for younger and older children.

    • Lots of games, activities, and even a gym where children and parents can play together.

    • Qualified, trained, and attentive staff.

    • An organization with more than 40 years of expertise addressing safety and trauma within families.

    • A parent looking for supervised parenting time or custody exchange services may contact Safe Connections directly, or be referred. Families can be referred by family courts, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, other social service agencies, and family law attorneys. Safe Connections primarily serves families from the West Michigan region, but accepts referrals regardless of geography.

  • Nurse Examiner Program

    Receiving immediate and follow-up medical attention is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself if you have been sexually assaulted or physical assaulted by an intimate partner. You may have injuries that need to be treated, and you may want to address and receive treatment for the possibility of pregnancy and contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As part of our community’s response to intimate partner violence, the YWCA provides comprehensive, timely, and sensitive medical-forensic examinations. With patient consent, evidence is collected and documented by a specially trained, forensic nurse examiner in a supportive private environment. A volunteer advocate who offers emotional support and information is part of this response as well. We also provide referrals for follow-up medical care and counseling. Exams are performed at the YWCA on a 24-hour, on-call basis for adolescents and adults, and all genders. To arrange for an exam, contact the YWCA within 120 hours (5 days) of the incident (616.454.9922). (No Cost)


    Individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) are at a high risk to be sexually assaulted. The YWCA is dedicated to preventing sexual assault of individuals with I/DD and supporting sexual assault survivors who have disabilities. If you have an intellectual and/or developmental disability, you have come to the right place. (No Cost)