Sponsorship Opportunities

The Women Lawyers vs. Judges Charity Softball Game is an annual event that brings together legal professionals from the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan—Western Region (WLAM) and area judges for a friendly yet fiercely competitive softball game.

his event started in 1983 and continues to be a long-standing tradition for the Grand Rapids community. Witnessing the devastation that domestic and sexual violence causes in the lives of their clients and those in their courtrooms, leaders in the community decided they wanted to do more to help. In 1983, they held the first softball game to raise funds to support the work of the YWCA. Since then, this event has become a longstanding tradition, raising over $500,000 to support survivors and their families.

While this event started with the legal community, its popularity has expanded far beyond to reach families, business leaders, community leaders, and YWCA supporters. By sponsoring the 41st Annual Game, businesses can showcase their commitment to social responsibility, while gaining exposure to an audience of over 15,000 individuals through various promotional channels.

Sponsorships opportunities are available. Contact Amanda Robertson at (616) 426-3717 or arobertson@ywcawcmi.org, or fill out our Softball Sponsorship Form here.