An Open Letter to White Women On the Occasion of the Murder of Yet Another Black Woman's Child

Illustration of the late George Floyd, surrounded with flowers          When it comes to ending racism, it all matters...

What you believe, say, and do;What school you send your child to and what they teach;What neighborhood you choose to live in;What your church's doctrine calls you to do;Who you vote for and that you hold them accountable;What part of our history you know and what part you don't;How often you take the time to learn and understand why our country is so dangerous for Black people;That you remember George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Botham Jean, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Philando Castille, Tamir Rice, Oscar Grant, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, Walter Scott, Amadou Diallo, Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, Emmett Till, James Earl Chaney...;That you don't have to be guilty in order to take responsibility to fix something;That you're a role model;That one person can change the world.It matters that you do something. Now.(Here's a place to start: 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice)

Celebrating Juneteenth


Remembering Deb Bailey